Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's been awhile, but at least I've been tweeting!


It's been awhile but I promise that we will update more this summer! I just thought that I'd leave you with something light but substantial.

Here are my first 10 writing tips from twitter:

Tip #1:Read and write a wide variety.
Tip #2: Avoid the passive voice.
Tip #3: Write down all of your plot bunnies. Even if nothing comes from it, it's good practice.
Tip #4: If you're too tired to keep writing, you probably need to sleep.
Tip #5: Build up your wealth of knowledge, because it will show in your writing.
Tip #6:Read and write everyday.
Tip #7: Never forget your deadlines!
Tip #8: Prepare for a lot of rejection. A LOT.
Tip #9: "Follow your bliss." - Joseph Campbell
Tip #10: You have to actually sit down and write eventually.

And there you go! Also, have you guys seen my new twitter icon? It was drawn by a good friend and I think that she nailed it. When I get it scanned and colored I'll post the finished mascot here. (Do you guys get why we chose a goat? It's cause it's an animal that climbs on cliffs to go with our name. You probably already figured that out but oh well....)

'Til next time!



  1. All bloggers are cool by default.
    But guess what? Most bloggers are also really self-centered, and their readers could be counted on one hand--two hands and a foot if they're lucky. I just have to wonder a few things.
    What does word count matter unless those words speak strongly?
    What does a Twitter mascot matter until your Twitter account itself matters?
    Why are you giving writing advice when you're unpublished?
    And I always wonder if a blogger knows exactly what the purpose of their blog is.
    But the blog has some useful stuff and a cute background so keep it up!
    Of course I'm not perfect either, which you can see at

  2. Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'll just say this, strong words are more important than anything. My goal is to try to provide meaningful articles more often so I can get better. I think that it's obvious that none of the members of the Cliffhangers are published, but at least we're trying and we love our craft. We write these articles mostly for ourselves, and if anyone else finds benefit from them, that's cool. Also, the goat isn't just our twitter account mascot, it's our mascot for everything. I hoped that cleared up some stuff :)

  3. The best way to retain knowledge is sharing it. I have often found that I learn so much more when I am teaching what I know I to another. The Cliff Hangers as a group are still novice writers. We aren't experts and we are still learning a lot about writing. The purpose of our blog is to help the group with its own writing skills and if we can help someone else that would be an added bonus. As group we are more focused on helping each other become better writers and not on becoming the next internet sensation. Our blog and twitter account matter because we as a group care about both. Fame is not our goal, but becoming the best writers we can be. Many of the best writers were not recognized until after their death so fame doesn't signify quality writing.

  4. It didn't terribly clear up some stuff, but you're obviously earnest. If you want to become the best writers you can be, getting published would seem to be the quickest route, getting that real-world feedback. Don't you also believe this?

    Here's something to think about: is there any point to writing well if none of your contemporaries know who you are?

    It seems to me your writing style is to an audience, not to yourself, by the way.

    At least you are both earnest and self-assured.

  5. Thanks for your interest in our blog. However, I believe this conversation could go on for a very long time because obviously we come from very different ideological standpoints. If you have anymore comments of this nature please email us at:



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